Course Catalogue
Academic Placement Notes:
CUPrep is designed for students who are desiring and able to complete a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and are working at their grade level or above. We do not offer remedial or "basic" level courses. Our high school electives are also academic college prep courses such as Chemistry, Art History, Calculus, Drama, and Foreign Languages.
Our lowest Math level in seventh grade is pre-Algebra, with about half of our students ready to take Algebra 1 the following year (8th grade).
If your student has an active IEP, please indicate so on their enrollment form and let us know right away so that we can properly work together.
Since attendance on campus is two days per week, students should have parental support at home on the other three days. Parents normally do not assist students on schoolwork, but their support is essential in helping students manage their time, especially in grades 7-9.
We are not a home-school. Our program is similar to a college where students must attend class and are responsible to complete all course requirements. Please look through our FAQ page on our website to get a feel of how the program operates.
CCA vs CUPrep: Both programs work on the same type of schedule and format. The significant difference you will find is one of rigor and whether or not the student's goal is to attend a University. Students whose goals are to go into careers which do not require a University degree, or who wish to attend a Community College first, will be well served at CCA. CCA students also have access to daily tutoring help as well as a supervising teacher with whom they will meet regularly. Students bound for a University will typically earn A's and B's in rigorous classes and will take several more academic courses at CUPrep than at CCA. CCA students meet with supervising teachers on a regular basis to help them stay on track and get individual counseling. CUPrep students are able to successfully progress without supervising teacher meetings. Academic Counseling for CUPrep is done through a series of workshops througout High School.